Op deze pagina vind je diverse verwijzingen naar belangrijke informatie over Kinderopvang STRAAL. Van onze visie en dagindelingen tot onze partners en inschrijvingen—alles is overzichtelijk te vinden via de links naar de bijbehorende pagina’s. Zo heb je snel toegang tot alles wat je moet weten.

My Services
I conduct useful & fun activities for children from 5 to 7 years
- Maths We study numbers, geometric shapes, count, solve problems. Mi netus viverra faucibus tincidunt dignissim maecenas habitant.
- Letter We are preparing for the first copybooks, shading and drawing along the contour, typing letters, developing fine motor skills.
- Reading We study words and syllables, letters and sounds, read by syllables, develop speech, compose stories. Proin massa, vel, aliquam nisl.
- Creation We study numbers, geometric shapes, count, solve problems. Mi netus viverra faucibus tincidunt dignissim maecenas habitant.